United Kingdom and Eire Council for Malaysian Students


As another term in UKEC comes to an end, the next one begins. Submit your manifestos and nominations if you would like to be a part of the Executive Council  2021/22, or register as an observer to witness the elections. Check out our website and social media for more information!

Date : 16th October 2021 & 17th October 2021 (Saturday and Sunday)

Time :  8:30 AM – 5:00PM (UKT, Saturday), 9:00 AM – 1:30PM (UKT, Sunday)       

Venue: Malaysian Hall, 34 Queensborough Terrace, London W2 3ST

What is the Annual General Meeting all about?

Nomination of Candidates of AGM

Motion Submission and Observer Registration



What is the Annual General Meeting all about?

AGM is the main event sets the stage and direction for UKEC’s next term. Particularly, it serves as a platform to look back on UKEC’s previous term as well as to plan for the upcoming term ahead.


The existing Elected 9 will give a presentation on the progress and achievements of their respective offices. If contested, all current shadow candidates will also share their manifestos for their respective positions followed by a Q&A session.


Supreme Councillors and observers are also encouraged to submit motions to be discussed by the newly inducted council on Day 2. The motions that are typically debated during these sessions are ones that are relevant to Malaysian students in the UK and Ireland.


The contested positions are as follows

Top 4:


Deputy Chairperson

General Secretary

National Treasurer

Vice Chairperson (VC):

VC of UKECareers

VC of UKECares

VC of UKECatalyst

VC of UKEConnect

Both UKEC Supreme Councillors and members of the public are encouraged to submit public motions to be debated and voted on during the AGM. These debates aim to provide an opportunity for students to bring forward issues that are important to them. It also helps UKEC in improving our representation the Malaysian students in the UK and Ireland. You may also register as an observer to partake in our AGM – do note that while observers do not have voting rights for the motion debates, you are still highly encouraged to ask questions and voice out your opinion during the Q&A sessions.

Nomination of Candidates for AGM 2021

Positions up for election