Who is NASOM?

The National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM) is an NGO that strives to provide a range of support services to assist people living with autism, especially children and their immediate family members. Their vision is to create an inclusive society where people with autism can reach their full potential, participate in their communities and lead a meaningful life with dignity. 


Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the development of the brain causing difficulty for a child to communicate, socially interact and learn like a typical child. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 68 children age affected by Autism and their associated behaviours. This means that in Malaysia, there are approximately 19,150 children living with Autism, according to Unicef’s record. 

Why should we help NASOM?

In recent years, NASOM has seen a 30% increase in the number of those seeking its services, however as an NGO, their resources are limited. Consequently, NASOM is unable to set up centres in remote and under-served districts in the country in order to make their services more accessible.  Another major challenge is the funds needed to pay for the resources and operations needed to maintain the centres running.

UKEC acknowledges the imperativeness behind addressing such vital issues and we endeavour to put an end to the social stigma surrounding Autism. With the right support at the right time, people with autism can live rewarding and fulfilling lives. They can achieve great things, but only if they are supported by people who believe in their potential. Hence, the UKEC Executive Council and various MSocs around the UK and Ireland are fundraising for NASOM and would like to encourage everyone to join our campaign which aims to provide a better quality of life for the Autistic Children.

GoFund Me Page!

Scan the QR code to donate for this charitable cause! Choose to donate individually or as a group of friends or even as an MSoc! Always remember that it’s these small actions that often create a ripple of change for the greater good. Unable to scan? Here’s the link: 
